Last term I had a pretty good term. Better then the last term, I learnt about measurement and I learnt how to read a story and rewrite the story in my own words, and learnt how to control my behaviour when I get angry. When I get angry it’s pretty messy and people get hurt or furniture but I’m working on it.
Term 3 was a full on term. Everyone was busy. We did a lot of fundraising for this years camp and had a few masses with Father Iosefa .
On a lovely Saturday morning during the holidays I went to Waihi beach. It took us about 2 hours to get down there. It was a long ride down there but an enjoyable one. I went on facebook and was talking to my fiends.
We went through Ngatea on the way there we went to this place where they used to do some mining. It was amazing, there were lots of underground tunnels and a waterfall, it was an amazing experience.
We got back from holiday and got ready for term 4.
This term is quite a busy term. We have trips and tests and camp. This term I want to have good results in my test and that’s one of my goals that I need to achieve. I would also like to work on my behaviour for this term because this end of the year report goes to our college.
Great Goals Kahlanie and I know you can achive it. You have my support and we can always have another trip to Wahi beach to remind ourselves what it is like to be happy